Our Events

Latest Past Events

SEZ Global Executive Retreat, Katowice Poland

FEMOZA is organising SEZ Executive Retreat to dissect some issues affecting operations of SEZs and also provide a veritable platform for top officials of SEZs to share ideas and learn new ways of driving excellence with efficient collaborations and partnerships.


Research and Training

Envato 121 King Street, Melbourne

Applications for workshops held outside the Switzerland are generally expected to use AES funds to support participants from Switzerland, to the extent appropriate and feasible.



Envato 121 King Street, Melbourne

According to the will of the World Free and Special Economic Zones (FEMOZA) in partnership with United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), main organizers of the event, the SU-MEET aims at fostering dialogue among different high-skilled stakeholders to find win-win shared solutions at economic, legal, working and sustainable levels.